We would be delighted to help you celebrate the birth of a child or grandchild. Please let the Rabbi and/or office know of your good news. Should you require a Brit Milah (circumcision) please contact the Rabbi who will be happy to advise you.
If you are celebrating a special birthday or anniversary you might want to mark the occasion by having a sponsored kiddush after a Shabbat morning service. There are a range of options and we would be delighted to discuss your requirements. Contact the office for more details.
Whether you are a member of NHC or not, bereavement of a loved one needs to be handled with care and compassion. In case of bereavement please contact Rabbi Lent in the first instance or the office and someone will be able to assist you with guidance and advice. Nottingham has its own Chevra Kadisha with a dedicated team of volunteers.
This is generally done 11 months after internment. Nottingham has two stonemasons who can provide this service. For further details please contact the office.